Author Archives: ygpryd
Edge of the Universe (Feat. Pat Wilson)
Bounce (an 8mins track)
i think im done with this track…
still @ it
im a noob =VH= fan i guess, i got into their stuff in late 80s early 90s (when dlr already quit). saw =VH= show in 2004 when they briefly reunited with sammy hagar, the rest of the band (Alex, mike, & sammy) was awesome except eddie. he was sloppy and drunk as fuck, tripping and falling on his guitar cables and stuff, i remember seeing bunch of people walking out while he was doing his solo, maybe its because all that weird awkward noises coming out of his 5150 amps, wtf i dunno. but anyway that was my first time seeing =VH= live. eddies performance on kimmel live recently was badass,
eruption / you really got me :
hot for teacher :
panama :
runnin w/ the devil :
but its painful to watch and listen to david lee roth and wolfgang’s backing vocals. i love dlr era of =VH=, but eddie, alex, mike, and sammy is still my fave =VH= lineup.
slowly getting there
album numero uno is slowly getting there, i have few choices for the title in mind. still nothing for the artwork yet though, the music it self is about 60% done. this year’s been a slow start for me, i have my excuses (house renovation and stuff), its already the 3rd month of the year hopefully there arent many other obstacles that could slow me down. started messin around with demos and getting my hands on those old frets again last week, always learning
song #6
been working on some simple riffs, melodies, and chord structures recently, finally made a 4 track short demo on reaper (my #1 choice of DAW). still needs a lot of work, some might think its easier to write an instrumental song than a “song” song (w/singing), well its not. well it is easier if youre halfassing it. i dont really set any standards, i just dont want it to sound too shitty. anyway, taking my sweet ass time finishing this though, cuz im not crowdfunding this project and nobodys waiting for it to be released lol.
well thats the last post of 2014, l8rz
working titles
in no particular order
1. “edge of the universe”
2. “a good thing”
3. “two ninety”
4. “bounce”
5. “vagabond”
6. “…”
7. “…”
8. “…”
9. “…”
10. “…”
first 5 almost done (90%), currently in progress of polishing it up.
getting ready to start up the last 5, this is just the way i do shit, i dont even know dafuq im doing most of the time.
but glad got all, or maybe most of the computer issues resolved.
old blog gone
my old blog that was hosted @ is gone … forever… they said my account, which i had since 10-26-2012, sent 1000+ emails (no proof of this) which made their server overloaded, so they said i had to upgrade to paid hostings in order to “unsuspend” my account or get my files back. i dont know what other crap theyll try to pull once i upgrade, so thanks for having me for the last 2 years, 000webhost. unfortunatelly i wont be using your service anymore. here are some screenshots of my conversation with their helpdesk